The decision by consulting major Capgemini to replace nearly 40% of its work done by its resource management group with IBM’s cognitive computing system, Watson, is a clear indication that it is not just repetitive or mechanical jobs that are at risk. Artificial intelligence (AI) is capable of taking on those tasks that require analytical skills. The tasks from education and skill development just got tougher.
By 2025, 70% of India’s population is projected to be of working age. A chunk of India’s present knowledge economy would have been chomped down by AI. As the knowledge economy evolves, India’s ability to continue playing a big role in that depends on swiftly raising the quality of education.
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This article reinforces our belief that social media information coupled with artificial intelligence helps predict the stock market behaviour. And this is the very premise on which StockArchitect came into being.
The original post is written by Stacy O’Neil Jackson, Market Leader, Regulatory, Forensics & Compliance at Deloitte Services LP and is available here.

The idea of computers outsmarting and replacing humans has existed in movies and books for decades. Fortunately, that hasn’t happened on a wide scale yet. But what has happened is the recent emergence of artificial intelligence concepts – specifically cognitive computing – which involve advanced technology platforms that can address complex situations that are characterized by ambiguity and uncertainty. Cognitive computing has begun to augment and empower business decisions right alongside human thought process and traditional analytics. In fact, the domain of risk management, lends itself particularly well to cognitive computing capabilities, as typical risk issues often include unlikely and / or ambiguous events.
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